From Numbers to Narratives: Engaging Presentations with Excel

"From Numbers to Narratives: Engaging Presentations with Excel" is designed for:
  • Business Professionals seeking to transform complex data into compelling, easily digestible presentations for stakeholders.

  • Marketing and Sales Teams aiming to visually showcase performance metrics, trends, and forecasts to drive strategic decisions.

  • Academics and Researchers who need to present their data findings clearly and persuasively at conferences, in classrooms, or in publications.

  • Any Excel User interested in elevating their reporting skills, making data-driven narratives accessible and engaging for any audience.

  • Excel Essentials and Intermediate; or intermediate proficiency

  • Experience with PowerPoint

  • Some presentation experience helpful

  • High-speed internet access

  • A Windows-based PC (You can follow along on your Mac, but there will be differences between the versions. A dedicated Mac class would be better.)

  • A desktop computer or laptop (i.e., NO tablets or phones.)

  • MS Office 365 subscription (Gives you all the latest tools and security updates.)

  • Standalone versions Excel 2019, 2021 (Some features not available in the standalone versions.)

Class Outline:

Foundation of Data Storytelling

Total Duration: 3 Hours

  • Understanding Your Audience and Data: Tailoring your narrative to audience needs and selecting relevant data.

  • Charts for Storytelling: Choosing the right type of chart (Bar, Line, Pie, etc.) for your data story. Tips on creating engaging and readable charts.

  • Exercise: Create a basic chart that tells a part of your data story.

  • Advanced Chart Features and PivotCharts: Customizing charts to enhance storytelling.

  • Introduction to PivotCharts for dynamic data presentations.

  • Exercise: Create a regular chart or a PivotChart for interactive storytelling practice.

  • Formatting for Impact: Using conditional formatting and custom styles to highlight key data points and trends.

  • Exercise: Apply conditional formatting to a dataset to automatically highlight significant figures.

Break (8-10 minutes)

All Participants will receive:
  • Sample Excel file for use in class and practice afterwards

  • Access to a recording of the class

  • 10% off their next class!

Part 2: Crafting and Presenting the Narrative

  • Building Dashboards: Overview of dashboard elements. Simple strategies for combining multiple charts and data points into an engaging dashboard.

  • Exercise: Design a basic dashboard incorporating various charts.

  • Linking Excel with PowerPoint: Best practices for integrating Excel charts into PowerPoint slides for seamless presentations. Techniques for ensuring data remains up-to-date.

  • Exercise: Embed an Excel chart into a PowerPoint slide and explore linking options.

  • Narrative Techniques: Crafting your data story - how to structure your presentation for maximum impact. Tips on storytelling elements that keep your audience engaged.

  • Discussion: Share tips on turning data into a compelling story, using the created charts and dashboards.

  • Wrap-Up and Q&A:

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